Lee Rudnicki has served as an entertainment lawyer for renowned drum corps such as the San Francisco Renegades, the Blue Devils, Crown, Minnesota Brass, Northwest Venture, the Cadets, and the Bluecoats.
For information on legal representation of your drum corps or marching band, please contact us.
Lee rmarched with the 1983 Buccaneers, the 1984 and 1985 Crossmen, the 1986 Garfield Cadets, the 1987 and 1988 Santa Clara Vanguard, and the 2006 Renegades (DCA). Additionally, he was part of West Chester University’s snare line from 1984-1986 and taught the Vanguard in 1989, 1991, 1993, 1994, and 1995.
As a show designer and President of the San Francisco Renegades from 1999 through 2009, Lee's accomplishments include winning DCI in 1989 with the Vanguard and DCI high percussion trophies in 1988, 1989, and 1991. In 2003, he drafted a comprehensive business and marketing plan for the Reading Buccaneers, presenting it to their Board of Directors in Pennsylvania. Lee has also taught or consulted with SoCal Dream, the New York Skyliners, SCV Cadets, the Blue Devils, the Spirit of Sunnyvale, The Edge, and Carolina Thunder. Lee is the author of Tale of a Drum Line: The Legend of the 1993 Santa Clara Vanguard, and the novel The Renegades.